A research team from the University of Ottawa, in collaboration with the French Language Services Planning Entities, is conducting a study to better understand the experience of Francophones in long-term care facilities in Ontario. The research team would like to meet with:
1. French-speaking seniors residing in long-term care facilities in Ontario or their caregivers; 2. Francophone or Anglophone workers of long-term care facilities in Ontario; 3. Francophone or Anglophone volunteers who assist Francophone seniors in long-term care facilities in Ontario.
If you are interested, you will be invited to participate in a short individual interview by telephone or videoconference (depending on your preference). The information provided will remain strictly confidential.
A 15$ gift card will be offered to participants.
To learn more about the study or to participate, please contact Solange van Kemenade, interviews coordinator at: [email protected] or Josée Benoît, senior research associate, by phone at 613-562-5800 ext. 8065.
This study was approved by the University of Ottawa Research Ethics Board (certificate no. S-06-22-8102).
For information on ethical issues related to this research, please contact the University of Ottawa Research Ethics Board (phone: 613-562-5387 or email: [email protected]).
We thank you for your participation.
Research team
Louise Bouchard, École d’études sociologiques et anthropologiques, Faculté des sciences sociales Jacinthe Savard, École des sciences de la réadaptation, Faculté des sciences de la santé Katrine Sauvé-Schenk, École des sciences de la réadaptation, Faculté des sciences de la santé Martine Lagacé, Promotion et développement de la recherche, Faculté des sciences sociales Brian Ray, Département de géographie, Faculté des arts Josée Benoît, associée principale de recherche, Groupe de recherche sur la formation et les pratiques en santé et service social en contexte francophone minoritaire (GReFoPS) Solange van Kemenade, associée de recherche, Groupe de recherche sur la formation et les pratiques en santé et service social en contexte francophone minoritaire (GReFoPS)
Realized by:
French Language Services Planning Entities in Ontario